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Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Before You even start building the mold You'd have to do some researching from where You can find/buy/get some veneer (it's kind of hard to find veneer with appropriate thickness or quality etc.), otherwise the building of the mold and press is pointless when You cannot use them.

I am using estonian birch, it's not the best (the canadian hard rock sugar maple or whatever it's called is :D), but it feeds my needs, it's not so expensive and it is basically the only veneer a can get my hands on (I've planned to try european maple but it's just a plan).

Usually a skateboard consists of 7 layers veneer. 2 middle-layers are the cross-layers, they are holding the concave. 5 other layers are cutted along the fiber and are holding the kicktails and give the basic strength to the board.

I'm cutting the veneers (now using a carpet knife with a very thin blade) 23 by 88 cm to give some extra space for the ecxessive glue to stream out when the board is in the press.

Well, that's the basic information about the main thing - veneer.

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